About Us



Sep 2 Start of new high-speed sightseeing cruiser SEA SPICA operation.
Sep 11 Start of WEST EXPRESS GINGA operation.
Sep 24 Start of WESTER, a new app focused on meeting today's needs through mobility as a service (MaaS initiative)
Oct 30 Announcement of revision of “JR-West Group Medium-Term Management Plan 2022”
Dec 26 Delisting from the Nagoya Stock Exchange (First Section) and Fukuoka Stock Exchange


Mar 17 Formulation of the “Toward operating safe railways in the future”
Apr 1 Start of a new ICOCA staggered commuting points service
Apr 30 Announcement of the formulation of the“JR-West Group Zero Carbon 2050” long-term environmental goals and the supports for the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
Sep 1 Decision to issue new shares and secondary distribution of shares


Apr 1 Transition from First Section of Tokyo Stock Exchange to Prime Market following market restructuring
Jun 23 Transition to a company with Audit and Supervisory Committee
Nov 25 Issuance of sustainability bonds


Mar 18 Opening of Osaka Station's Umekita Area
Start of Phase 2 of Nara Line double-tracking project
Mar 22 Start of Mobile ICOCA service
Apr 28 Formulation of "Our Purpose," JR-West's vision for its future self
Announcement of JR-West Group’s Long-Term Vision 2032 and Medium-Term Management Plan 2025
Jun 27 Start of ICOCA service for Apple Pay

(As of November 2023)