For Business (Material Procurement)

Purchase Figures by Category

Purchase Figures by Category in Fiscal 2023

Total Purchases Approx. 1,205 billion yen

Procurement Items

Rails and other track materials
Rails and rail fastening materials/Sleepers/Turnouts and turnout parts
Rolling stock materials
Rolling stock and bogie materials/Internal combustion rolling stock materials /Rolling stock electric materials/Rolling stock brake materials
Signal/Communication systems
Mechanical signal materials/Electric signal materials/Communication systems
Power transmission systems
Electric generation and transforming materials/Electric light materials/Electric poles, steel towers, and steel structures/Electric wires, cables and line circuit materials
Automobile and ship materials
Automobiles and ship/Automobile materials
Metal industrial goods
Steel materials/Special steel/Forged steel materials/Bare metals/Nonferrous metals /Metal tubes/Secondary rail material products
Fuel/Lumber/Chemical materials
Coal/Fuel oil/Lubricants/Lumber/Paints/Industrial chemicals
Machinery/Work equipment
Engines/Construction machinery/Manufacturing machinery/Cargo-handling machinery/Civil engineering machinery/Testing and other machinery/Office equipment /Testing and measuring equipment/Work equipment
Miscellaneous materials
Uniforms/Welfare materials/Tickets/Business sheets and forms/Office supplies
  • ・ If you are interested in initiating transactions with JR-West, you will complete and send the application form to JR-West.
    Data received is used for the purpose of new supplier recruitment work by JR-West and by Japan Railway West Trading , and will under no circumstances be used for any other reason.
  • ・ You can access the application form from "The Main Procurement Plan". The form will request your company name, main contact person, scope of business, sales, and other information. See the application form for details.