Ticket Deals and Passes

The price on or before Monday, September 30,2019 as below.

Valid Train Routes

Hokuriku Area

JR-WEST RAIL PASS Recommended tourist attractions and discount booklet Click here for more informationJR-WEST RAIL PASS Recommended tourist attractions and discount booklet Click here for more information

  • ・ Hokuriku Area Pass is valid for unlimited travel in the valid area on the map
  • ・ Valid trains are below;
    • - Non-reserved seats on Bullet Train "HOKURIKU SHINKANSEN" (Kanazawa⇔Kurobe-Unazukionsen)
    • - Non-reserved seats on Express Trains 'THUNDERBIRD' etc.
    • - Rapid Services, and Local trains on JR-WEST Conventional lines
  • * These trains below cannot be used
    • - Bullet Train "HOKURIKU SHINKANSEN" (Kurobe-Unazukionsen⇔Tokyo)
    • - Not valid for the IR Ishikawa Railway or the Ainokaze Toyama Railway.
      • * As a special exception, the pass can be used for the Himi, Johana, or Nanao lines only if the pass-holder does not alight from the IR Ishikawa Railway Kanazawa⇔Tsubata) or the Ainokaze Toyama Railway (Takaoka⇔Toyama).
        Limited express trains can be used on the IR Ishikawa Railway (Kanazawa⇔Tsubata).
        If using the Ainokaze Liner rapid service on the Ainokaze Toyama Railway, a separate "liner fare" is required.



  • • Due to the consumption tax increase in Japan as well as changes to pass details, all products purchased on or after Tuesday, October 1, 2019, are subject to the revised prices and details.
  • • Applicable prices and details of the product will vary according to the purchase date and not the date of exchange or the date of use.

Passes purchased on or before Monday, September 30, 2019

Purchasing from
a travel agent overseas
Purchasing from
Purchasing from
a JR-West station
(Ticket counter)
Adult 5,000YEN
Child 2,500YEN
Adult 5,400YEN
Child 2,700YEN
Adult 5,500YEN
Child 2,750YEN


  • Ticket prices and how tickets are reserved/received will change accordingly. We appreciate your understanding.
  • Please note that a passport, reservation number, authentication number, and/or credit card may be required to receive or purchase a pass reserved via JR-WEST ONLINE TRAIN RESERVATION. Click here for more information.
  • - Adult: 12 or over 12 years old when an exchange order issued or a rail pass purchased
  • - Child: 6-11 years old when an exchange order issued or a rail pass purchased
    • * An Adult's or Child's rail pass holder can accompany up to 2 infants (1-5 years old) for free.
    • * The infants from the third one will require Child's rail passes for each.
    • * Babies aged under 1 year old can be accompanied for free.
    • * Child's rail passes will be required for each infant in the following situations:
      • 1. When accompanied infants use Reserved seats by themselves
      • 2. When infants travel by themselves


Temporary visitor's visa

- A rail pass user must be holding a passport issued by a foreign government.


- A rail pass user must be entering in Japan as a "Temporary Visitor".

*"Temporary Visitor" is a status of residence defined under Japanese immigration law.

Availability and Use

  • ・ A rail pass is available and usable all year around.
  • ・ A rail pass is purchasable up to 1month in advance of the first day of use.
    • * Reservations are accepted via JR-WEST ONLINE TRAIN RESERVATION up to one month before boarding (starting at 10:00 am (JST) on same day of preceding month).
  • ・ A rail pass is valid for consecutive days.
  • ・ The validity of a rail pass starts from 12 a.m.

Train Accommodations

  •  Hokuriku Area Pass is usable.
  •  Additional separate tickets are required

* When additional tickets are required, obtain the tickets at a JR-WEST station before boarding.

Train Bullet Train "HOKURIKU SHINKANSEN" in the valid area (Kanazawa⇔Kurobe-Unazukionsen)
Type GranClass seat First Class(Green)Car Ordinary Car, Reserved Seating Ordinary Car,
Non-reserved Seating
Ordinary Car,
Private Compartment
Validity  *1  *2  *3   *3
Train Limited Express / Express Trains in valid area Special Rapid Services/Rapid Services/
Local Services in the valid area
Type First Class(Green)/
Sleeper Car
Ordinary Car,
Reserved Seating
Ordinary Car,
Non-reserved Seating
First Class(Green)Car Ordinary Car,
Reserved Seating
Ordinary Car,
Non-reserved Seating
Validity  *2  *3   *4  *5  *6
  • * 1 Separate GranClass Tickets are required.
  • * 2 First Class (Green)/Sleeper Tickets and separate Express Tickets are required.
  • * 3 Separate Express Tickets are required.
  • * 4 Separate First Class (Green) Tickets for Local Services are required.
  • * 5 Separate Reserved Seat Tickets are required.
  • * 6 Separate charges will apply if using carriages / trains that require numbered or liner tickets.
Train Bullet Train "HOKURIKU SHINKANSEN" in the valid area (Kanazawa⇔Kurobe-Unazukionsen)
Type GranClass seat First Class(Green)Car Ordinary Car, Reserved Seating
Validity  *1  *2  *3
Type Ordinary Car,
Non-reserved Seating
Ordinary Car,
Private Compartment
Validity   *3
Train Limited Express / Express Trains in valid area
Type First Class(Green)/
Sleeper Car
Ordinary Car,
Reserved Seating
Ordinary Car,
Non-reserved Seating
Validity  *2  *3
Train Special Rapid Services/Rapid Services/
Local Services in the valid area
Type First Class(Green)Car Ordinary Car,
Reserved Seating
Ordinary Car,
Non-reserved Seating
Validity  *4  *5  *6
  • * 1 Separate GranClass Tickets are required.
  • * 2 First Class (Green)/Sleeper Tickets and separate Express Tickets are required.
  • * 3 Separate Express Tickets are required.
  • * 4 Separate First Class (Green) Tickets for Local Services are required.
  • * 5 Separate Reserved Seat Tickets are required.
  • * 6 Separate charges will apply if using carriages / trains that require numbered or liner tickets.


  • ・ The starting date of the rail pass and the duration cannot be changed after purchasing.
  • ・ Conditions vary for reservations submitted via JR-WEST ONLINE TRAIN RESERVATION. Click here for more information.


  • ・ Refund location: only where a rail pass was issued or exchanged
  • ・ Refund price: the sale price minus a handling fee (10% of the price: Minimum 220 yen per one rail pass)
  • ・ No refund will be given if a magnetic ticket is removed from a rail pass book
  • ・ No refund will be given after a rail pass starts to be used or expired
  • ・ No refund will be given due to non-availability of service, delays, or similar issues
  • ・ MCOs that could not be exchanged can be refunded at the overseas travel agency where the pass was originally purchased. (*A separate handling fee will be applied.)
  • ・ Conditions vary for reservations submitted via JR-WEST ONLINE TRAIN RESERVATION. Click here for more information.

Related information

  • ・ A rail pass is only valid for its rail pass holder only.
  • ・ A passport must be carried when a rail pass is used and presented when a JR staff asks to.
  • ・ A rail pass will be void if the magnetic ticket is detached from a rail pass book.
  • ・ A rail pass will not be reissued even if lost or stolen.
  • ・ Conditions of use for a rail pass are stipulated by JR-WEST's carriage conditions and laws of Japan.
  • ・ Conditions of use for an exchange order are stipulated by regulations and contracts of issuing companies.
  • ・ If any discrepancies arise between the foreign language and Japanese versions of the carriage conditions, the Japanese version has precedence.
  • ・ The information displayed (including prices) is current as of May 21, 2019, and is subject to change.

Ticket Deals and Passes