New Golden Route


Shima Lake Canoeing by Lakewalk

Takasaki Sta.

Nakanojo Town, Gunma Pref.

Shima Lake Canoeing by Lakewalk

The lake has a mysterious color that fascinates those who look upon it. As the light changes over the course of the day, it changes shades countless times. Canoeing makes a great way to enjoy the natural beauty of this lake.

  • 15 min. bus ride from Nakanojo Sta.
  • +81-278-72-2870
  • 14-1 Shima, Nakanojo Town, Agatsuma District, Gunma
  • Planned to open from Sat., Mar. 30 - Sun., Nov. 24
  • Closed Wed. (except during Golden Week in late Apr./early May and summer vacation)
  • Adults (ages 12 and up) 6,500 yen
    Children (ages 4-11) 5,500 yen
  • Website

36.626183, 138.793718

  • Access
  • Tel No.
  • Address
  • Hours
  • Closed
  • Fee / Price

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